Showing posts with label Article V Convention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Article V Convention. Show all posts

Thursday, January 25, 2024

How Red Cross Making the Borders Worse

How Red Cross Making the Borders Worse in Texas

Watch the Video by Glenn Beck called,

Does our government care about the impact immigration is having on our communities? Not at all. What is the agenda for opening up the borders to the world?

To make it worse, the Supreme Court voted against Texas Governor Greg Abbott, who was trying to protect the people of Texas. 

Did you know about the Article V Convention? 

That means the people convening to rewrite our Constitution could be unelected and unaccountable. There is nothing that could limit the convention to a single issue, so the delegates could write amendments that revoke any of our most cherished rights – like our right to peaceful protest, our freedom of religion, or our right to privacy. There are also no rules preventing corporations from pouring money into the convention to ensure they get their way.

This gives rights to extremists, and wealthy special interests see it as their best chance to write their far-right agenda into the Constitution. That is why they are working around the clock to convince their allies in state legislatures to make it happen.

What is the border law in the Constitution?

The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects against arbitrary searches and seizures of people and their property, even in this expanded border area. Furthermore, as a general matter, these agents' jurisdiction extends only to immigration violations and federal crimes.

The Problem with the Border Today

This is a globally funded network that is aiding and abetting an illegal INVASION at the southern border. 


By: Traci Morin, Wake Up News