Sunday, April 28, 2024

Nigeria dominated by Boko Haram and Killed


Nigeria is Dominated by Boko Haram Insurgency that has Killed 62000 Nigerian Christians

In recent years, Nigeria has been plagued by the devastating violence of the Boko Haram insurgency. This extremist group, which aims to establish an Islamic state in Nigeria, has caused immense suffering and destruction across the country. One of the most heartbreaking aspects of the Boko Haram insurgency is the targeted attacks on Nigerian Christians, resulting in the tragic loss of thousands of innocent lives. According to reports, an estimated 62,000 Nigerian Christians have been killed by Boko Haram militants since the insurgency began.

Who are the Boko Haram Insurgency

Boko Haram, which refers to itself as “Jama'atu Ahl as-Sunnah li-Da'awati wal-Jihad” (JASDJ; Group of the Sunni People for the Calling and Jihad) and “Nigerian Taliban”—other translations and variants are used—is a Nigeria-based group that seeks to overthrow the current Nigerian Government and replace it with a regime.

The Devastating Impact on Nigerian Christians

The relentless violence perpetrated by Boko Haram has had a profound impact on the Christian community in Nigeria. Churches have been destroyed, pastors have been targeted and killed, and many Christian families have been forced to flee their homes in search of safety. The fear and trauma caused by the ongoing attacks have created a climate of fear and uncertainty for Nigerian Christians, who are living under constant threat of violence and persecution.

The International Response

Despite the widespread violence and human rights abuses committed by Boko Haram, the international response to the crisis in Nigeria has been largely inadequate. While some countries have provided humanitarian aid and support to the Nigerian government in its efforts to combat the insurgency, there is a need for greater international cooperation and solidarity to address the root causes of the conflict and protect the lives of Nigerian Christians.

Addressing the Root Causes

To effectively combat the Boko Haram insurgency and protect Nigerian Christians from further harm, it is crucial to address the root causes of the conflict. Poverty, political corruption, and religious intolerance have all contributed to the rise of extremism in Nigeria, creating fertile ground for groups like Boko Haram to thrive. By addressing these underlying issues and promoting dialogue and reconciliation among different religious and ethnic groups, there is hope for a more peaceful and inclusive future for all Nigerians.

Supporting Nigerian Christians

As the violence in Nigeria continues to escalate, it is imperative that the international community stands in solidarity with Nigerian Christians and supports efforts to protect their rights and ensure their safety. Humanitarian organizations and religious groups have been working tirelessly to provide aid and assistance to those affected by the conflict. Still, more support is needed to address the long-term impact of the Boko Haram insurgency on the Christian community in Nigeria.
In conclusion, the Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria has had a devastating impact on Nigerian Christians, resulting in the loss of thousands of innocent lives and creating a climate of fear and insecurity. The international community must take action to address the root causes of the conflict and support efforts to protect the rights and safety of Nigerian Christians. Only through collective efforts and a commitment to peace and reconciliation can we hope to end the violence and create a more inclusive and harmonious society for all Nigerians.Why is this not in the news, and why are not the college students fighting for a genuine cause then picking on Israel that has a right to defend themselves from Iranian terrorist groups like Hamas. Well, the truth is our government does not like Netanyahu and wants to remove him. Propaganda is the name of the game through the American government. Wake up, students, and fight for a real cause.

Traci Morin, Wake Up News

The Tragic Toll on the Kurdish People


While the focus is on Gaza, 10,000 Kurds killed by ISIS terrorists.


While the focus is on Gaza, where was the Muslim & left outrage at the Yazidis? So much emphasis on Israel's war in Gaza. At the same time, Muslim terrorists like ISIS kidnapped 7000 Yezidi women, rapped, and sold them. 2,703 were missing, and 10,000 were killed who refused to convert to Islam.

Isn't that interesting? No Jew, no news. Why aren't the college students upset with ISIS killings? Their numbers are higher than Israel's killing in Gaza. 

In recent years, the ongoing conflict in Gaza has captured the attention of the world, with media coverage highlighting the suffering of the Palestinian people. However, amidst this intense focus on Gaza, another tragic situation often goes unnoticed – the plight of the Kurds. While the world is quick to condemn violence and human rights abuses in certain regions, the struggles of the Kurdish population are often overlooked. This raises the crucial question: Why isn't the world hearing about the deaths of Kurds? How about the Christian Armenians?

The Kurdish Crisis

The Kurdish people, who predominantly inhabit regions spanning Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, have long faced persecution and marginalization. Despite their distinct cultural identity and aspirations for self-determination, Kurds have been subjected to systemic discrimination, violence, and even genocide. The ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and Syria, have further exacerbated the precarious situation of the Kurdish population.

Lack of Media Coverage

One of the main reasons why the deaths of Kurds fail to attract global attention is the lack of media coverage. Unlike the conflict in Gaza, which receives extensive coverage by major news outlets, the struggles of the Kurds are often relegated to the sidelines. This disparity in media attention perpetuates a narrative that prioritizes specific conflicts over others, leading to a skewed perception of global crises.

Geopolitical Considerations

Another factor that contributes to the neglect of the Kurdish cause is geopolitical considerations. The involvement of various regional and international actors in the conflicts in the Middle East often dictates which issues receive prominence in the global discourse. As a result, the plight of the Kurds is overshadowed by more extensive geopolitical interests, leaving their suffering largely unnoticed by the international community.

Human Rights Violations

The deaths of Kurds are not just a result of the ongoing conflicts in the region but also stem from systematic human rights violations. The Kurdish population has been subjected to arbitrary arrests, torture, forced displacement, and extrajudicial killings by state actors and non-state armed groups. Despite the egregious nature of these violations, the perpetrators often act with impunity, further exacerbating the vulnerability of the Kurdish community.

International Obligations

The failure to address the human rights abuses against Kurds also raises questions about the international community's commitment to upholding human rights standards. While governments and international organizations condemn violations in other regions, their silence on the atrocities committed against the Kurdish population sends a troubling message. It highlights a double standard in the global response to human rights violations and undermines the credibility of the international human rights framework.

Not a single person marched for them
UN watched lSlS committed Genocide
UN still watching Yazidis being in lSlS captivity


In conclusion, while the focus on Gaza is undoubtedly important, it is crucial to shine a spotlight on the deaths of Kurds and the human rights abuses they face. By bringing attention to the plight of the Kurdish population, we can strive for a more inclusive and just world where all voices are heard and all lives are valued. It is time for the international community to recognize the suffering of the Kurds and take concrete actions to address the human rights violations they endure. Only then can we truly uphold human rights and justice for all?
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Unprecedented Civilian to Combatant Ratio in Gaza Conflict


The Unprecedented Civilian-to-Combatant Ratio in the Gaza Conflict

In a shocking development, the Gaza Health Ministry has announced that the total death count in Gaza has reached a staggering 21,720. Out of this harrowing number, an estimated 13,000 are believed to be militants, according to IDF estimates. This means that only 8,720 of the deceased are civilians, highlighting an unprecedented civilian-to-combatant ratio of 1:1. Out of the 8,720 since April 9, how many were killed by Hamas?

When Israel, before it bombs a building, searches first, they find elderly and sick Muslims chained to their beds. Israel rescues them and takes them to a safe place so that they do not get hurt or killed.

A Rare Occurrence in Modern Warfare

The United Nations reports that in conventional warfare, civilians typically make up around 90 percent of casualties, resulting in a 1:9 ratio of civilian to combatant deaths. However, the current conflict in Gaza presents a stark contrast with the IDF's less than 1:1 ratio. 

The Complexity of Urban Warfare

One key factor that must be considered in analyzing this unique situation is the urban environment in which the conflict occurs. Hamas, the militant group in control of Gaza, often operates within civilian populations, using them as human shields to evade detection and attacks. This complicates the ability of the IDF to target militants without causing harm to innocent bystanders.

Hamas, since it took over the Gaza Strip, has continuously shot missiles at Israel. They never wanted a partide. They would rather kill the Jews so that they could have all of Israel.

Unprecedented Precision or Unintended Consequences?

The IDF's ability to maintain less than a 1:1 civilian-to-combatant ratio is impressive. On one hand, it demonstrates precision and restraint that is rarely seen in modern warfare. When America went into Iraq, they had a 9:1 ratio. They killed over 250,000 civilians. That means a much larger death of civilians than Israel has in a very high populated Gaza area.

The Moral and Ethical Dilemma

As the conflict in Gaza continues to escalate, the international community is faced with a moral and ethical dilemma. How can we reconcile the need to combat terrorism with the imperative to protect innocent lives? Is the sacrifice of civilian lives justified in the pursuit of militant targets, or are there alternative strategies that could minimize collateral damage?

Conclusion: A New Chapter in Warfare?

The unprecedented civilian-to-combatant ratio in the Gaza conflict raises profound questions about the nature of modern warfare. We have never seen such a precise ratio in any previous conflict, challenging our assumptions about the realities of war. As the world watches the events unfolding in Gaza, we are forced to confront the complexities and dilemmas of urban warfare in the 21st century. Maybe American soldiers or other soldiers around the world need to learn from Israel. Israel has the right to defend itself.

In summary, the unique civilian-to-combatant ratio in the Gaza conflict highlights modern warfare's complex challenges and ethical considerations. As the death toll continues to increase, the international community must grapple with the difficult questions raised by this unprecedented situation. The world is watching, and the choices made in Gaza may shape future conflict and peacekeeping efforts for years to come.

Look at Ukraine? Over 600,000 soldiers and civilians have died. That is a big number when there is no way Ukraine can win a war against Russia. 

By: Traci Morin, Wake Up News

Friday, April 5, 2024

Unpacking Biden's Policies: Navigating Israel's Future Success or Failure

Unpacking Biden's Policies: Navigating Israel's Future Success or Failure

Israel's Conflict with Hamas

Unpacking Biden's Approach: Navigating Israel's Future Success or Failure

After October 7, Biden came to Israel, saw the videos of what Hamas did to Israel, and backed them to remove Hamas. Since Trader Joe is so weak, he flipped-flopped on Israel and is now demanding Israel to do the following:

🔹 Provide tents for 1.4 million refugees.
🔹 Provide food & water for all of GAZA.
🔹 Provide sanitation for 1.4 million people.
🔹 Distribute aid in an enemy territory.
🔹 Fight without civilian casualties.
🔹 Defend the US pier Biden is setting up.
🔹 Defend aid trucks & ships bringing aid to Hamas.
🔹Protect all aid workers, per Biden.
🔹Evacuate 1.4 million refugees - BUT NOT TO EGYPT one mile away, instead to a destroyed North GAZA.

biden administration sabotaging israel palestine conflict

Does this make sense? Hamas has no intentions for peace or sharing Israel. Hamas' goal is to destroy and kill every Israeli from Israel. Now, the Biden administration expects Israel to feed, clothe, and house Gaza's enemy during the fight. 

When America goes to war, do we help the enemy to survive? For example, Russia. How about Syria or Iraq? In fact, 10 percent of the casualties in Syria or Iraq is approximately 10 percent of the population. Right now, Israel has 1 percent or less. 

Israel presented a plan to the Biden administration to move 1.4 million civilians over several weeks from Rafah to tents. Israel did not include sanitation, food, or water needs. Does it sound like the Biden administration wants to keep Hamas alive? These people are funded by Iran as proxies to destroy Israel. They refuse to ever exist together. 

What was ever proposed and observed policy to protect the enemy. Nothing in the proposal from the Trade Joe administration about the prisoners from October 7. Does the administration care about life or is this all a political clown agenda? Israel needs to eliminate the disease, Hamas, that has affected the people in Gaza with hate. The Palestinians need re-education. 

Palestinian State: The Day After.

The Biden administration is sabotaging Israel's war effort to remove Hamas from power. Israel has the right to protect themselves. Hamas and others have never agreed to exist together in Israel. Israel has always agreed until October 7. Israel knows for them to co-exist, they must eliminate the enemy, Hamas. It appears that Trade Joe wants to save Hamas. They think they can end the war. Biden administration wants Hamas as a junior partner in both Gaza and the West Bank and then proceed to a two-state solution that Hamas will never want. 

There is no way that Israel can meet these absurd standards. It would only put Israel at a more risk. The administration pledges to demand only increase as the days go on. Who is worst? Biden Administration vs. Hamas? Both betrayers possibly?

By: Traci Morin, Wake Up News

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Baltimore Bridge Cyber Attack on Cargo Boat

Baltimore Bridge Cyber Attack on Cargo Boat

Watch the video as Clayton Morris, Redacted News, gives evidence of a cyber attack on the Baltimore Bridge

Older information about the attack on the Baltimore Bridge

The damage done to the bridge is severe. Baltimore water port is the second most important port in the United States. This affects the American food chain. Could we see bare shelves in the store again? Why did this happen? Was this a cyber attack? Will there be economic issues for the American people? 

Did you know that another bridge was hit in Arkansas? Another cargo barge lost power as well? Clayton Morris now says that this is a cyber attack from somewhere? Is this from Russia, Iran, or another country? Included are 2 minutes missing on the black box. Unfortunately, Trader Joe will blame the Republican party. Everything that goes wrong in America is blamed on Trump and the Republican party. 

Can we trust our administration and trader Joe in what they say? I don't think so. 

Traci Morin, Wake Up News

Denver Crumbling Under the Weight of Immigrants

Denver Crumbling Under the Weight of Illegal Immigrants

City of Denver overwhelmed by illegal aliens - watch video by Clayton Morris with Border Patrol supervisor JJ Carrell 

The sanctuary city has over 43,000 illegal immigrants. They cannot handle all the illegal immigrants. They are now asking them to board buses to send them to New York City, Chicago, or California. Then, Denver officials are asking homeowners to rent to illegal immigrants. 

Does this make it right? Allowing all these illegal immigrants, and now Denver cannot take care of them. What will happen next as these sanctuary cities go broke. What is Trader Joe doing to our cities? Biden is flying illegal aliens into America on first class. Who is paying for all this? Unfortunately, every American's tax money is paying for these free services. 

Why does President Trader Joe's give illegal aliens more freedom than the American people? We need to vote Trader Joe out of the Whitehouse. We need someone that can clean up this mess. Biden told people all over the world to come to America, get free money, and we will take care of them. It is like all of the American people have no rights. All the money we all worked hard for is now being given to ILLEGAL immigrants. Joe is such a traiter to the American people. 

Traci Morin, Wake Up News