Showing posts with label Human Rights Violations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Human Rights Violations. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Tragic Toll on the Kurdish People


While the focus is on Gaza, 10,000 Kurds killed by ISIS terrorists.


While the focus is on Gaza, where was the Muslim & left outrage at the Yazidis? So much emphasis on Israel's war in Gaza. At the same time, Muslim terrorists like ISIS kidnapped 7000 Yezidi women, rapped, and sold them. 2,703 were missing, and 10,000 were killed who refused to convert to Islam.

Isn't that interesting? No Jew, no news. Why aren't the college students upset with ISIS killings? Their numbers are higher than Israel's killing in Gaza. 

In recent years, the ongoing conflict in Gaza has captured the attention of the world, with media coverage highlighting the suffering of the Palestinian people. However, amidst this intense focus on Gaza, another tragic situation often goes unnoticed – the plight of the Kurds. While the world is quick to condemn violence and human rights abuses in certain regions, the struggles of the Kurdish population are often overlooked. This raises the crucial question: Why isn't the world hearing about the deaths of Kurds? How about the Christian Armenians?

The Kurdish Crisis

The Kurdish people, who predominantly inhabit regions spanning Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran, have long faced persecution and marginalization. Despite their distinct cultural identity and aspirations for self-determination, Kurds have been subjected to systemic discrimination, violence, and even genocide. The ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and Syria, have further exacerbated the precarious situation of the Kurdish population.

Lack of Media Coverage

One of the main reasons why the deaths of Kurds fail to attract global attention is the lack of media coverage. Unlike the conflict in Gaza, which receives extensive coverage by major news outlets, the struggles of the Kurds are often relegated to the sidelines. This disparity in media attention perpetuates a narrative that prioritizes specific conflicts over others, leading to a skewed perception of global crises.

Geopolitical Considerations

Another factor that contributes to the neglect of the Kurdish cause is geopolitical considerations. The involvement of various regional and international actors in the conflicts in the Middle East often dictates which issues receive prominence in the global discourse. As a result, the plight of the Kurds is overshadowed by more extensive geopolitical interests, leaving their suffering largely unnoticed by the international community.

Human Rights Violations

The deaths of Kurds are not just a result of the ongoing conflicts in the region but also stem from systematic human rights violations. The Kurdish population has been subjected to arbitrary arrests, torture, forced displacement, and extrajudicial killings by state actors and non-state armed groups. Despite the egregious nature of these violations, the perpetrators often act with impunity, further exacerbating the vulnerability of the Kurdish community.

International Obligations

The failure to address the human rights abuses against Kurds also raises questions about the international community's commitment to upholding human rights standards. While governments and international organizations condemn violations in other regions, their silence on the atrocities committed against the Kurdish population sends a troubling message. It highlights a double standard in the global response to human rights violations and undermines the credibility of the international human rights framework.

Not a single person marched for them
UN watched lSlS committed Genocide
UN still watching Yazidis being in lSlS captivity


In conclusion, while the focus on Gaza is undoubtedly important, it is crucial to shine a spotlight on the deaths of Kurds and the human rights abuses they face. By bringing attention to the plight of the Kurdish population, we can strive for a more inclusive and just world where all voices are heard and all lives are valued. It is time for the international community to recognize the suffering of the Kurds and take concrete actions to address the human rights violations they endure. Only then can we truly uphold human rights and justice for all?
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