Friday, April 1, 2011

Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center

Who is Babylon in Revelation

Babylon Revelation 18

Babylon will intoxicate the nations with her immorality (Rev. 17:1, 2; 18:3). True, the religious aspect of Babylon, the Harlot, has existed throughout history since originally introduced with the tower of Babel (Gen. 11:1-9) and is depicted as "sitting" (Rev. 12:3; 13:1; 17:3-6) on the seven kingdoms (heads; mountains): Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Median-Persian, Grecian, Roman and finally will "ride" the back of the beast (Antichrist with ten nation confederacy) in the last days (Rev. 17:7-18). Now, this religious/economic system, which began on a "plain in the land of Shinar" (Gen. 11:2) will return to where it first began in the last days (see: Zech. 5:5-11). Ancient Shinar was the same geographical location of Babylon, which today is in Iraq. Babylon (the Harlot) will be a religious/economic world center once again.

Time is short and many things are moving quickly. What is happening in the middle east is to create a nation with states. It is a time to kick out the monarchies, dictators and kings to unite the country to create a world 10 nation.

Gas is going to continue to go up to $9.00 by 2012. The dollar is planned to crash at the end of 2012. Your money in savings and in 401K's and other assets will be worth nothing. How do you prepare:

1. Buy six months supply of food and water

Earthquake Kits

2. Buy silver or gold

Banner focusing on registering to win a 1 oz gold coin

3. Get out of debt

4. Get your spiritual house in order - get right with God. Time is short.

5. Find ways to save energy


Keywords: who is babylon in revelation, babylon revelation 18, revelation babylon, babylon bible, america babylon, biblical prophecy end times, the harlot, end time biblical, book of revelation explained, mystery babylon america, is america bablyon, signs of the end times, babylon of revelation, revelation chapter 17, mother of harlots

Related Videos and More:

Creating Islamic Union

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America

Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof

What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans

Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist

72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply

Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East

The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda

Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States

The Shite Sunni Differences

The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams

Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda

Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom

The Arrival of the AntiChrist

Doc Marquis - Arrival of the AntiChrist

- See 10 Videos Online - 2011

Former Illuminist/Satanist Doc Marquis provides insight into the coming "Masonic Christ", the Antichrist, which only an insider could know
Chapters include - 1) Introduction; 2) History of the Masters of the Illuminati; 3) Religion of the Illuminati - and of Antichrist; 4) The Illuminati 7-Part Plan for Global Conquest. Focus is on the infamous Rothschild 'Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion' and how leaders are following that plan as a blueprint; 5) The two Great Seals of the United States; 6) Maps of Washington, D.C. From this discussion, Doc presents a thorough examination of the Illuminati Card Game, showing specific cards.

Part 1 of 10

The All-Seeing Eye on Dollar Bill

Part 2 of 10 continuation of Doc Marquis

Masonic Dollar Bill

Masonic Symbol in Washington DC

Maps of Washington, D.C.

- Video

Banner focusing on registering to win a 1 oz gold coin

Part 3 of 10 Doc Marquis - Arrival of the AntiChrist

Part 4 of 10 Doc Marquis - Arrival of the AntiChrist

Earthquake Kits

Part 5 of 10 Doc Marquis - Arrival of the AntiChrist

Part 6 of 10 Doc Marquis - Arrival of the AntiChrist

Part 7 of 10 Doc Marquis - Arrival of the AntiChrist

Part 8 of 10 Doc Marquis - Arrival of the AntiChrist

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Part 9 of 10 Doc Marquis - Arrival of the AntiChrist

100 oz New Johnson Matthey Silver Bar .999 Fine

Part 10 of 10 Doc Marquis - Arrival of the AntiChrist

10 Person Deluxe Survival Kit

The outer circle has many organizations which are striving mightily and cooperatively for the New World Order. They are:

Roman Catholic Church

Satanism (Active Worship of Satan)

Secret Society called "Rosicrucianism"

D & D (Dungeons and Dragons Role Playing Game)

(Note: This game system is the perfect instructional manual on practical


Satanic Sabbaths (Eight Holy Days per year, each of which requires human


Hebrew Letters written between the English words are from the Jewish

secret society, The Cabala. They mean, "Witchcraft Today For As Much

Within Ancient Babylon". Translated, this means that the witchcraft being practiced today is the same as that practiced in Ancient Babylon. Further, this Hebraic message is printed backwards, in the ancient tradition of Satanism. The Jewish Cabala is the most influential of all secret societies in the drive to the New World Order, the Anti-Semitic emphasis notwithstanding.

The Second Circle is comprised of the most influential human activity possible. The organizations and/or

Forces are:

The Illuminati, (Secret Society modeled after the Roman Catholic Jesuits)

From its inception on May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt, the Illuminati

has been actively worshipping Satan and developing the Plan for instituting

the New World Order.

The Masons (Freemasonry)

Freemasonry has long been an occult secret society, with many of the

goals of the New World Order. However, Masons taught that all the necessary changes inherent in the New World Order would take place

naturally, as a result of "human evolution". From 1777-1782, Weishaupt's

men infiltrated every Masonic Lodge in Europe in order to infiltrate their

ideas of actual revolution being necessary to implement these changes.

In 1782, Freemasonry agreed with the Illuminati as to the necessity of

revolution, signing on as co-leaders in the drive to the New World Order.

When the Illuminati was put out of business in 1785, Freemasonry became

the undisputed leader of the New World Order movement.

The House of Rothschild

The Satanic vision for the New World Order could never have been realized had it not been for the immense wealth of the Rothschild Family.

One of Weishaupt's first significant backer was Mr. Rothschild. Family

Wealth has since been indispensable in the path to this system. But, why

should Christians be surprised, for the Bible states, "The Love of Money

is the root of all evil". (2 Timothy 6:10) Indeed, this most evil system in all history is rooted firmly and deeply in the love of money. The Rothschild

Family is also one of history's prime examples of Generational Witchcraft

(Exodus 20:3-5) The prime example of an American Family who is so involved is the Rockefeller Family, also very heavily into witchcraft.

Rock-n-Roll Music Industry

A former Luciferian like Marquis has no trouble understanding that Rock-n-Roll music is pure, unadulterated witchcraft. Christian authors

in the past have made such a statement, only to be laughed at by teens

anxious to keep their beloved music. Rock-n-Roll is the perfect medium

by which Satanists can teach youngsters the precepts of Satanism. This goal is accomplished by inducing human minds into a higher "stage of

consciousness" (mild hypnosis) so that this Satanism can penetrate directly into their subconscious. Rock-n-Roll is preparing two entire generations of children for the values of the New World Order.

The Black Pope

In 1541, the Pope created the Satanic Secret Society known as the Jesuits. The goal of the Jesuits was to reverse the Reformation, to root out heretics,

and to generally wage a constant state of war against all enemies of the church. The Jesuits were subjected to the absolute, total control of a general who was known as the Black Pope. This Black Pope is an adept

in the Black Arts of Satanism. While the Jesuits are bound to obey both the Black and White Popes, the Black Pope is believed to wield the real absolute power within the Vatican, beginning in the early 1700's. The Black Pope has consistently moved the R. C. Church deeper into practice of witchcraft. This goal of officially taking over the R.C. Church for Satan

has arrived at the late stage whereby the Public Pope is now using a non-

traditional Crucifix, the one called the Twisted Cross. This Twisted Cross

was created by Satanists in the Middle Ages as their symbol of Anti-Christ. Thus, when Pope John Paul II holds this Twisted Cross up

to the faithful, as he does constantly, they are unknowingly bowing to the

symbol of Anti-Christ. This is one of those never-before occurrences in world history that strongly suggests the beginning of the Great Tribulation

generally and the Roman Catholic Pope as the False Prophet specifically.

Satan's Inner Circle

Notice the Hexagram on which Satan's altar is resting. Since this hexagram is surrounded by a circle, it becomes a Demon Trap, which we now know is THE most powerful tool possible to conjure up a demon so that he can be forced to do that which the Witch wants him to do. Thus, we have Satan represented at the top of this entire New World Order Plan (The All-Seeing Eye) and at the very inner core (The Demon Trap).

Satan's Altar is highly significant. Human sacrifice is required on this altar, as are abominations against God of every conceivable stripe. Marquis has chosen to drive home this point by pouring human blood over the altar and by showing the Anti-Christ Inverted Cross on one of the ends. The importance of the United States of America is clearly represented by the "Two Seals Of Our Doom".

Let us now step backward and look at the organizations contained within this Great New World Order Seal, from another angle. Since this new order is to be comprised of three distinct elements -- Spiritual/Political/Economic -- let us examine each of these organizations as to which of these three elements each represents:

1. Spiritual Element

Satan -- Represented by the All-Seeing Eye, the altar, and the Demon Trap

Secret Societies -- The Illuminati, The Rosicrucians, and The Freemasons

Roman Catholicism -- The Catholic Church and The Black Jesuit Pope

Rock-n-Roll Music Industry

Dungeons and Dragons Role-Playing Game

2. Economic Element

The House of Rothschild

3. Political Element

The United States of America -- represented by our official Two Great Seals

Isn't it terribly revealing that the only political entity which Marquis lists as being an integral part of the drive to the New World Order is the United States of America? Furthermore, this country is listed as the official seal of Satan's altar, next to the heart of Satan himself.

Why only the United States of America? There have been other, more wicked and more deadly countries in this deadly Twentieth Century. For example:

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Since the beginning of this Atheistic Empire, Communism has killed over 200 million people and have imprisoned tens of millions more. They have attacked God's True Church and God's Chosen People, the Jews. They have been responsible for untold misery and death for the last 80 years.

But, most importantly, their goals and their methods are identical to that of the Illuminati!! Why doesn't this most knowledgeable Luciferian Illuminist, Doc Marquis, list the USSR in his New World Organization Chart?

Does he know something we do not?

Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany

Hitler and his government were avowed Satan worshippers. In their huge public meetings, they led the adoring German people in actual Satan worship. The Nazi war machine plunged the world into the greatest war in all history, and it engineered the most systematic slaughter of human beings in all history. Nazi Germany systematically killed two-thirds of the world's population of God's Chosen People, the Jews, and they were beginning to kill Born-Again Christians at the time of their defeat.

But, most importantly, their goals and methods were New World Order. Hitler repeatedly called for the establishment of this new global system, and repeatedly used this term, New World Order. Why doesn't this Illuminati-trained and educated Luciferian Illuminist, Doc Marquis, list Nazi Germany in his New World Organization chart?

Does he know something we do not?

When you understand the reason that only the United States of America is listed in this New World Order Organization Chart, you will be amazed to the point of denial. You will then understand why God must judge this former Christian Nation the most severe.

Stand by for some shocking insight.

Keywords: 2012 america, antichrist, Doc Marquis, New world order, the coming antichrist, freemasonry, masonic lodge, occult, illuminati, Masonic Christ, Masters of the Illuminati, Plan for Global Conquest, Global Conquest, Rothschild, Learned Elders of Zion, two Great Seals of the United States.

End time protocal

See Protocol Agenda of the New World Order called Protocol of the Elders of Zion

How does a person prepare for the biblical end times?

Time is short and many things are moving quickly. What is happening in the middle east is to create a nation with states. It is a time to kick out the monarchies, dictators and kings to unite the country to create a world 10 nation.

Gas is going to continue to go up to $9.00 by 2012. The dollar is planned to crash at the end of 2012. Your money in savings and in 401K's and other assets will be worth nothing. How do you prepare:

1. Buy six months supply of food and water

Earthquake Kits

2. Buy silver or gold

Banner focusing on registering to win a 1 oz gold coin

3. Get out of debt

4. Get your spiritual house in order - get right with God. Time is short.

5. Find ways to save energy


Keywords: 2012 america, antichrist, Doc Marquis, ex-satanist, freemasonry, Global conquest, Illuminati, Masonic Christ, masonic lodge, New world order, occult, Secrets of the Illuminati, the coming antichrist, Maps of Washington, D.C., New World Order Organization Chart

55 Gallon Water Barrel and Accessories.
55 Gallon Water Barrel and Accessories.

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See Other Masonic Curses Renunciation Prayer:

Related Videos and More:

Creating Islamic Union

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America

Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof

What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans

Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist

72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply

Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East

The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda

Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States

The Shite Sunni Differences

The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams

Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda

Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom

Monday, March 28, 2011

Islam and Democracy

Islam and Democracy

In Islam, Allah is the ultimate authority. In democracy, authority ultimately lies with the people. But does this mean that Islam is incompatible with democracy?

Are the differences between Islam (especially when given political form) and the liberal democracies of the West so great as to represent a 'clash of civilizations'?

Muslim world is not ideologically monolithic but a theocratic system.

It would be difficult to create a democratic system within the Islam world since Islam is government and religion together as a way of life. It is a theocratic system with Allah alone at its head. Allah's law is interpreted by a ruling body of clerics. There is no room for a secular political system in which all people are treated as equals.

Syria, Libya, Tunisia, and Saudi Arabia are the least democratic nations in the Arab world.

Turkey, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Mali, and Senegal as democracies. (Indonesia, with 196 million people, is the world's largest Muslim nation). Other countries, such as Malaysia, Nigeria, and Iran, are nominally democratic, but to a greater or lesser extent lack many of the attributes of fully functioning democracies, such as protections for civil liberties and legitimate opposition parties.

Other Arab nations fall somewhere between autocracy and democracy: they may have legislatures, labor unions, and political parties, but their ruling party, president, or king exercises final control.

On a spectrum from most to least democratic, these countries are: Morocco, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain, Algeria, Qatar, and Yemen. Lebanon was a fully functioning democracy in the early 1970's, but years of civil war and conflict have transformed it into a more repressive nation.

At core is the fact that in Islam, God is the giver of laws, and men have only limited autonomy to implement and enforce God's laws. These laws, known as sharia, apply to all aspects of religious, political, social, and private life. Interpreted literally, they can clash with Western democratic ideals.

Islam = terrorism, backwardness, tyranny, oppression, and ugly.

Democracy = peaceful, progress, freedom, equality, and beautiful.

Related Videos and More:

Creating Islamic Union

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America

Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof

What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans

Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist

72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply

Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East

The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda

Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States

The Shite Sunni Differences

The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams

Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda

Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Shiite Sunni Difference

The Islam religion is split into two different branches, the Sunni and the Shiite.

They both believe the Islamic faith are agreed upon by all Muslims. These fundamentals include the belief in the oneness of God, the role of the Prophet Muhammad as his final messenger, prayer, the requirement to perform Hajj once in one's lifetime, and the requirement to give to charity.

The passing on of Prophet Muhammad in 632 C.E. thrust the Muslim community into a protracted debate over who would be their next leader causing a split and division. Some felt that Muhammad's nephew and beloved son-in-law 'Ali as his political and religious successor, and thus the Imam (leader) of the Muslim community. Many opted out for the procedure of choosing from among a group of elders. Watch the video....

Video Sunni-Shi'a Differences

The Shiite Branch:

The Shiite believe in the 12th Imam.

The Sunni Does not believe in the 12th Imam.

The twelfth was the son of the eleventh and he disappeared and they never found his grave. They teach today that he is either hiding in a cave or somewhere in the desert and in the end of days he will reappear riding on a white horse. He will ride into Jerusalem on that white horse and take over Jerusalem and Jesus will come with him and tell the world, “I am not the Son of God” and make the people who are there deny the trinity. If they don’t agree that Jesus is not the Son of God and don’t deny the trinity, the Mahdi will be given permission to kill them.

Revelation 6:1 says:

1 I watched as the Lamb opened the first of the seven seals. Then I heard one of the four living creatures say in a voice like thunder, "Come!" 2 I looked, and there before me was a white horse! Its rider held a bow, and he was given a crown, and he rode out as a conqueror bent on conquest. (6:1-2)

Some bible scholars believe it is Christ but it is not. It is the antichrist who comes out as a conqueror.

Interesting that John saw this 2000 years ago and now this is what the Shiites believe today.

The Muslim unrest in the middle east

You cannot escape the muslim unrest in the middle east today. Turn on CNN, Fox News and we witness the war, battle, uprising in the middle east first, in Egypt, then Libya, Yemen, etc.

We think of the roman empire as Europe, but in truth, the Roman Empire also consist of northern part of Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon.

The Muslim Mahdi comes riding on a white horse and Revelation 6 speaks of a man coming riding a white horse with a crown and a bow with no arrows, which could say he is coming in the name of peace (though different men have said that is Jesus, Satan or the antichrist).

The Mahdi comes to convert the World to Islam

According to Islamic tradition that when the Mahdi comes he will bring Islamic justice and convert the world to Islam, but if you don’t convert you are beheaded. Revelation 20 tells us that there are saints who are beheaded for the testimony of Jesus. Revelation 20:4 “I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands;”

The antichrist will be over the fattest places

In Daniel this man that will rule, the antichrist, says he will be over the fattest places and the Hebrew word that is translated from means oily places. Daniel 11:24 “He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’ fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.”

Any man who can control the oil wells can control the world. Where are the oil of the world? The Muslim countries.

The Sunni Mahdi is not the Same as the Shiite Mahdi

The Sunnis - are not looking for a Mahdi. The Sunni Muslims are looking instead for the appearance of the Antichrist, whom they call the Dajjal. If a person were suddenly to appear on the world scene claiming to be the Mahdi, he would be automatically rejected by the vast majority of Muslims.

Now, that could be changing because of the unrest in the middle east and the Brotherhood trying to take over by overthrowing kings and princes of the middle east. The muslim world wants democracy but that democracy is not the same as the United States.

Sunni Mahdi different from Shia Mahdi

The Sunni Muslims believe today's Quran is fully authentic and complete. Sunni Muslims also are expecting a Caliph (Leader, not a prophet) titled Al-Mahdi to appear at the End Times, based on prophecies of Prophet Mohammad.

The Sunnis believe that the Mahdi will be normal human being and will be born 30 - 40 year years before he accepts the leadership of Muslims.

The Shia are waiting for their 12th Imam called Imam Mahdi (they also call him "Al-Qa'im") whom they expect will appear before the Day of Judgment and will bring the full Quran. The Shia believe today's Quran is only is small part of the original full Quran. The trouble is that some of the Shia may reject the true Mahdi because he is not going to be a Shiite and instead they may wait until the Anti-Christ appears and follow him, thinking he is the Mahdi. Shia believe Imam Mahdi has been alive for the past 1200 years since he supposedly disappeared and went into a state of occultation.

What Is a Caliphate?

The term caliphate refers to the first system of governance established in Islam. The most common translation for the word which appears in the Quran is vicegerency (or caretaker). It is a constitutional republic, which means that the rulers are bound by a set of laws which they cannot break at a whim, and the people have the right to appoint their leader through their local leaders and should the leaders divert from their obligations as vicegerents, the people have the right to remove them.

the Fatimid dynasty, which claimed descent from Muhammad through his daughter, claimed the title of Caliph in 909, creating a separate line of caliphs in North Africa.

Sunni Muslims are expecting 3 main individuals to appear in the End Times: (1) at least one caliph (ruler) whose is referred to as Mahdi (good man), (2) Anti-Christ (evil man), and (3) Jesus Christ (good man).

Sunni Muslims are expecting Jesus to return to Earth, by descending from Heaven.

- For Sunni Muslims, the Mahdi (Mehdi) is a unique Muslim leader who will appear in the End Times and act as a Caliph, ruling the Muslim World. He is not a prophet. According to our numerical analysis of the Quran, it seems that the Mahdi will be fulfilling a divine mission and will act as a Warner and Carrier of Good News.

- Most probably, shortly after Jesus descends from Heaven, the Mahdi will die and Jesus will become the Caliph of Muslims.

- For Sunni Muslims, Jesus will play a very important role. Jesus will kill the Anti-Christ and rule the World after the Mahdi dies and Jesus' reign will be longer.

Related Videos and More:

Creating Islamic Union

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America

Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof

What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans

Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist

72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply

Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East

The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda

Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States

The Shite Sunni Differences

The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams

Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda

Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom

Traci Morin, Wake Up News

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Why United States Attacking Libya

Propaganda Game - Why United States Attacking Lybia

The New World Order

Why is the United States attacking Libya? Yemen is killing their people, other Muslim countries attacking their people. Why Libya...

Who is doing this? Is it America? No, it is done by the elitest who control America and other countries.

It is a program of destablization of the middle east by the global banking cartel.

The bombing of Libya has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon for several years as confirmed by former NATO commander General Wesley Clark.

This war is part of the battle for oil. Libya is among the World’s largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.

The underlying objective is to gain control over Libya’s oil and gas reserves under the disguise of a humanitarian intervention.

“Operation Odyssey Dawn ” is part of a broader military agenda in the Middle East and Central Asia which consists in gaining control and corporate ownership over more than sixty percent of the world’s reserves of oil and natural gas, including oil and gas pipeline routes.

Are you prepared for terrorists to act out in America?

Start YOUR Food Savings Account

History of OPEC Oil and the New World Order

OPEC's headquarters are in Vienna, Austria. OPEC is an international oil cartel set up to fix the price of oil by controlling production.

The truth is that these “Oil Producing Countries” have been GIVEN the authority to decide on the price of oil by an agreement forged by Henry Kissinger. The United States agreed to stay out of production (large enough to affect oil price) if OPEC chose to SELL oil to the U.S. in exchange for – well – paper currency.

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Henry Kissinger (CFR elitist) in 1977-81 got the Middle East countries to buy into the agreement. Iran and Iraq are the two countries who did not buy into it. The United States dollar – being the sole World Currency – seemed rather attractive to OPEC members.

The Members consist of Algeria, Angola, Ecuador (membership suspended 1992-2007), Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela.

Henry Kissinger knew it would cause America's debt to spiril. The agreement was we would (United States) buy their oil, close down current oil rigs and stop drilling in return they (Middle East Countries) would buy our T-bill and buy our debt.

The Arab Nation will be double crossed when the American Dollar crashes at the end of 2012. When that happens, the Arab countries will go back into the dark ages. The Arab countries will be angry along with other oil producing countries like Vensuela, and will cut us off. America will be taken down to 3rd world status.

Then the elitest will open up the reserves and start drilling but will continue to sell oil at $200 to the American people and the rest of the world. Even though they can drill for $26 dollars a barrell.

It is all about greed and control. The elitest want to control the world.

Going back in time, United States went to war with Saddam Hussan over oil to take over the oil fields because they did not agree with the Kissinger deal.

How do you protect yourself if the dollar is going to die? The money standard of the elitest is gold and silver.

Protect you and your family from the dollar - Buy Gold

Coins of America collectible coins

Credit Reporting and Credit Repair

What's Your Credit Score?

How Can American Protect Themselves:

1. Get out of Debt
2. Buy gold and Silver
3. Get your spiritual house in order
4. If you have an Arm Loan, refinance your home now before Japan dumps the Bonds which will create hyper-inflation.
5. Buy six months supply of food and water.

Related Videos and More:

Creating Islamic Union

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America

Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof

What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans

Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist

72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply

Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East

The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda

Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States

The Shite Sunni Differences

The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams

Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda

Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom

Monday, March 21, 2011

Terrorism on US payroll

Terrorism on US Payroll - 2011

When fighting terrorism, United States uses proxies like Iran and other nations do. Terrorism is a manufactured product of the Illuminati, used as an excuse to invade countries. The people controlling, financing, managing … all the terrorism in the world are Illuminists. Unfortunately, below the Satanic upper echelon, there are many deceived useful idiots who participate in inhumane acts. Al Qaeda is a CIA construct.

By fomenting violence, death, fear and hate, the local people will fight back and this response will be branded as terrorism to perpetuate the war! Illuminist intelligence agency finances both sides in a war. The objective is more wars, continuous wars to kill as many sheeple as possible. This will facilitate the rape and pillage of the country which is in chaos! The spread of violence and death is a Satanic sacrifice!

Revealed: Afghan chief accused of campaign of terror is on US payroll

By Julius Cavendish, The Independent UK

Witnesses back leaked UN reports detailing claims of rape and murder against feared Tajik warlord
An Afghan warlord backed by US special forces faces persistent allegations that he launched a two-year spate of violence involving burglary, rape and murder of civilians, desecration of mosques and mutilation of corpses. Yet, despite repeated warnings about the atrocities Commander Azizullah is alleged to have committed, he has remained on the payroll of the US military as an “Afghan security guard”, a select band of mercenaries described by some as “the most effective fighting formation in Afghanistan”.

Interviews with religious leaders, tribal elders, villagers, contractors and Western and Afghan officials all pointed to a reign of terror in which they believe 31-year-old Azizullah, a ethnic Tajik, targeted Pashtun civilians while fighting the Taliban. Although individual allegations, all from ethnic Pashtuns, might be inaccurate, malicious or motivated by envy of Azizullah’s close and lucrative links to US special forces, taken together they come from sources belonging to a range of tribes and from several areas.

The testimony also tallied with several independent reports documenting the allegations against Azizullah and seen by The Independent, including two confidential reports compiled by UN officials and circulated to Nato personnel last year.

A Nato spokesman said that its own investigation of Azizullah turned up nothing. “There was a derogatory report via UN channels last summer, but when we tried to research it, there was really little information to substantiate what were essentially claims,” said Lieutenant-Colonel John Dorrian, chief of operations at Nato’s public affairs unit in Kabul. “As a matter of due diligence, we subsequently tried to backtrack to the origin of the claim, but nothing credible could be found.”

…. to continue reading click here!

Related Videos and More:

Creating Islamic Union

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America

Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof

What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans

Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist

72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply

Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East

The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda

Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States

The Shite Sunni Differences

The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams

Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda

Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom

Friday, March 18, 2011

What Is The Elitist Money System

The Elitist Money System Gold and Silver not paper money.

Lindsey Williams interview on Freedomizer Radio 16 March 2011
Pastor Lindsey Williams explains where China fits in the New World Order NWO , China is the Big one according to the elite , China holds most of America's debt , gold and silver prices are going up at the same time that crude oil is going up there is an explanation to that says Lindsey Williams , they will take gold to $3000 , $4000 an ounce and Silver to $50 , $100 an ounce , Gold and silver are the currency of the elite and they are planning to destroy the dollar...get ready

Coins of America collectible coins


Why Are Oil Prices Rising

What the elitist are trying to accomplish and watch for the signs:

You are going to see more and more chaos in Middle East and the
Kings and Princes of the middle east will loose power and be removed.
The Muslim Brothers will be taking over more control of the middle

When that happens, since they hate America and Israsel, they
will stop shipping oil to America. America get ready for Gas to
go up to $6 to $9 dollars a gallon.

The Elitist want control is their game.

The Middle east and China will be ruined when the dollar goes
bust at the end of 2012. They will not destroy these countries
but want to control them.

China owns approximately over a trillion of our debt and the
middle east also has our debt.

New World Currency

Henry Kissenger set up OPEC to be on the Dollar back in the 1970's
with a long-range plan to ruin the dollar and cause an economic
dominoe effect on everyone who has our debt, t-bills, etc.

Your 401K, retirement plan, social security, and IRA will be
worthless. You cannot depend on them. The dollar is going to become
more worthless every day since our government has printed and
continues to print more money.

The Elitist got to destroy the purchasing power of the dollar
to bring in the new world order. They got to take gold to $3000
to $4000 per ounce. The OPEC have our dollar, T-bills, Federal
Reserve issues. They will be taken by the Elitist in the biggest
scam since Henry Kissenger set it up. OPEC countries will loose
their paper over night.

The more crises in middle east gas prices going up and up and
up Federal Reserve will own every mortgage property Banks are
being bailed out. Everyone who has been bailed out works for the
elite now.

Crude Oil Drilling

When gas is over $200 a barrel, they will open up the drilling
sites in America. In Colorado, there is over a trillion barrels
of oil, in Montana/North and South Dakota over 300 billion and
the Reserves in Alaska trillions. The elitest oil will be $24
per barrel but because of control and money, they will continue
to sell it to the rest of the world at $6 to $9 a gallon.

The elitist got America where they want it. In 2008 at the end
of Bushes term, they took over the finanical situations like a
coup. Bush gave them billions of dollars. Then Obama is also helping
the cause by changing laws especially the financial law which
gave them even more power.

When America starts drilling again, America's economy will be
restored under their control. We will be under the New World Order
and in slavery to them. The congress has also betrayed us.

Who is Lindsey Williams

Pastor Lindsey Williams, who has been an ordained Baptist minister
for 28 years, went to Alaska in 1971 as a missionary. The Transalaska
oil pipeline began its construction phase in 1974, and because
of Mr. Williams' love for his country and concern for the spiritual
welfare of the "pipeliners," ; he volunteered to serve as Chaplain
on the pipeline, with the subsequent full support of the Alyeska
Pipeline Company. Because of the executive status accorded to
him as Chaplain, he was given access to information documented
in his eye opening book, The Energy Non-Crisis. After numerous
public speaking engagements in the western states, certain government
officials and concerned individuals urged Mr. Williams to put
into print what he saw and heard, stating that they felt this
information was vital to national security. Mr. Williams firmly
believes that whoever controls energy controls the economy.

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Creating Islamic Union

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America

Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof

What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans

Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist

72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply

Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East

The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda

Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States

The Shite Sunni Differences

The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams

Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda

Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom

Monday, March 14, 2011

Ancient Assyria

Who is Ancient Assyria Today in Modern day - 2011

Ancient Assyria included territories represented by present day Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran.

In Revelation 13, John said that the Antichrist and his kingdom would be like a lion, a leopard and a bear. Daniel used these likenesses for the Babylonian, Media-Persian and Greek Empires.

Daniel 9:26 which says, “The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.”

According Josephus, the people that destroyed the sanctuary were predominately Syrian.

The ruler who will come is the Antichrist which is confirmed in Daniel 9:27. Daniel identifies the ruler who will come this way.

“He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing of the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him"

Therefore, Daniel is indicating in this prophecy that the Antichrist will come from the Middle East.

Related Videos and More:

Creating Islamic Union

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America

Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof

What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans

Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist

72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply

Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East

The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda

Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States

The Shite Sunni Differences

The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams

Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda

Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom

Pastor Lindsey Williams: Day of RAGE and The MI6/CIA Controled ‘Muslim Brotherhood’

Conflicts in the Middle East - 2011

Lindsey Williams: How to Protect Your Family

Decline of the US Dollar

Part 2 of 3

Coins of America collectible coins

Part 3 of 3

See Also:

Pastor Lindsey Williams Takes Final Calls on Oil Going to $200 a barrel

Keywords: Conflicts in the Middle East, middle east current events, Conflict in Middle East, Collapse of the US Economy, USA in 2012, Lindsey Williams, Alex Jones, Decline of the US Dollar, Muslim Brotherhood, Day of Rage, Lindsey Williams WW III

Related Videos and More:

Creating Islamic Union

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America

Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof

What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans

Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist

72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply

Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East

The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda

Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States

The Shite Sunni Differences

The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams

Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda

Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom