Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pastor Lindsey Williams

Pastor Lindsey Williams Worked For the Elitest Sharing Information on How to Prepare for the Energy Non-Crises

Linsey Williams's elitist friends have died, so it has been a couple of years since he has shared anything. 

"Live Pee Free! Odor Eliminator 100% Eliminates Pet Odor on Contact. 20% Off . No Enzymes, No Fragrance, No Detergent, No Bleach - Safe for Kids and Pets.

"What Next Elite? Trump Has Won: 
 * Why did Henry Kissinger go to Trump Towers to meet with Donald Trump? 
* Elite total devastation 
* The greatest opportunity of your lifetime 
* How to take advantage of the Elite 
* Isaiah 45:1 - Cyrus 
* Revised agenda of the New World Order

Lindsey Williams talks about his first-hand knowledge of Alaskan oil reserves, larger than any on Earth. And he talks about how the oil companies and the U.S. government won't send it through the pipeline for U.S. citizens to use.

Buy gold and silver to survive the energy crises in America.

Watch one of Eight Videos on how to prepare and survive the energy crises in America.

Mr. Williams firmly believes that whoever controls energy controls the economy.

To see the other 7, click on the side bar of this video to watch the other seven videos by Lindsey Williams. He exposes and speaks about the global issues, 

Most of Lindsey Williams's video have been removed and are hard to find today. I am curious to know how long this video will stay. 

Traci Morin, Wake Up News

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Obama and his Co-Conspirators

Obama and His Co-Conspirators Chart

Barack Obama & The Socialist “New Party”
Barack Obama not only has ties to Socialist Organizations, apparently he signed a contract with one as well, including Biden. First lets identify one of these Socialist Organizations, the “New Party” From Discover The Networks: Co-founded in 1992 by Daniel Cantor (a former staffer for Jesse Jackson‘s…

Obama’s Mentor: Frank Marshall Davis
Frank Marshall Davis was a writer, poet, journalist, and Communist Party member. He was also a mentor for the young Barack Obama while he was in Hawaii. Obama writes of Mr. Davis in his book “Dreams From My Father” and refers to him only as “Frank.”…

Bill Ayers and Obama – Why It’s Important
William (Bill) Ayers is more than a controversial figure – he is an unrepentant violent radical terrorist and probably a rapist as well. During the 1960′s he co-founded a violent left wing organization called the “Weather Underground” Which conducted riots and bombing campaigns…

Related Videos and More:

Exposing Obama Care

George Bush Senior First President Opening Announces the One World Order

A Global Totalitarian World Government

Gerald Celente - It is Time to Prepare for What is Coming To America

United States Debt Cut - What a Joke

Who is Backing the Muslim Brotherhood!

The Islamic Super-state, the Caliphate

North American Union Secret Meeting with Obama and Harper February 5, 2011

The Collapse of Japan and Its Global Impact

Tsunami in Japan and World Impact
Creating Islamic Union

Buy Gold and Silver and Protect your retirement and family from the falling dollar

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America

Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof

What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans
Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist

72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply

Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East

The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda

Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States

The Shite Sunni Differences

The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams

Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda

Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom

Related Videos and More:

George Bush Senior first President openly announce the One World Order

A Global Totalitarian World Government

Gerald Celente - It is Time to Prepare for What is Coming To America

United States Debt Cut - What a Joke

Who is Backing the Muslim Brotherhood!

The Islamic Super-state, the Caliphate

North American Union Secret Meeting with Obama and Harper February 5, 2011

The Collapse of Japan and Its Global Impact

Tsunami in Japan and World Impact
Creating Islamic Union

Buy Gold and Silver and Protect your retirement and family from the falling dollar

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America

Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof

What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans
Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist

72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply

Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East

The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda

Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States

The Shite Sunni Differences

The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams

Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda

Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom

Ron Paul, Martial Law, Monatary Collapse, Social Unrest, Food Shortage, Government Actions, New World Order, NWO, Globalists, Elitists, economic collapse, economic collapse 2012, new international order, global financial crisis, collapse of the dollar, north american union, economic meltdown

Thursday, April 14, 2011

George Bush Announces The New World Order

Bush Sr. New World Order Speech

Related Videos and More:

Glen Beck Explains Why Gold and Silver Will Save You When the Dollar Crashes

Glenn Beck Exposes the Thugs and Thinkers behind the Ruining of America

Exposing Obama Care

Obama Budget Cuts - See Visual with Pennies

Obama and His Co-conspirators in the Whitehouse

George Bush Senior First President Opening Announces the One World Order

Blue Gold

A Global Totalitarian World Government

Gerald Celente - It is Time to Prepare for What is Coming To America

United States Debt Cut - What a Joke

Who is Backing the Muslim Brotherhood!

The Islamic Super-state, the Caliphate

North American Union Secret Meeting with Obama and Harper February 5, 2011

The Collapse of Japan and Its Global Impact

Tsunami in Japan and World Impact
Creating Islamic Union

Buy Gold and Silver and Protect your retirement and family from the falling dollar

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America

Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof

What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans
Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist

72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply

Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East

The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda

Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States

The Shite Sunni Differences

The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams

Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda

Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom

Related Videos and More:

A Global Totalitarian World Government

Gerald Celente - It is Time to Prepare for What is Coming To America

United States Debt Cut - What a Joke

Who is Backing the Muslim Brotherhood!

The Islamic Super-state, the Caliphate

North American Union Secret Meeting with Obama and Harper February 5, 2011

The Collapse of Japan and Its Global Impact

Tsunami in Japan and World Impact
Creating Islamic Union

Buy Gold and Silver and Protect your retirement and family from the falling dollar

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America

Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof

What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans
Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist

72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply

Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East

The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda

Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States

The Shite Sunni Differences

The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams

Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda

Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom

Traci Morin, Wake Up News

Ron Paul - The Globalist New World Order Agenda Is Turning the World Into A One Government

The US Economy is in collapse, We Are Now More in Debt Than Ever in Recorded History, The US Is Now Fighting on 3 War Fronts in Afghanistan, Iraq and now in LIbya. The Globalist New World Order Agenda Is Turning the World Into A One Government, One Giant Control Grid and Police State. The POTUS, President of the United States, Can Call Martial Law At Any Time, Basically Making America Into The World's Largest Fascist Country on the Planet. Food, Oil and Gas Prices Are Skyrocketing and Becoming More 'Scarce' Due to Elitist Greed... The List Goes On and On!

America and the World - Please Wake Up and Help Us Fight the Good Fight Against This Tyranny Spreading Like a Cancer Around the World! We Have to Stop Them From Our Own Extinction! 

The Emerging New World Order

the End of the Dollar, and the Endless War: George Orwell's 1984

Related Videos and More:

A Global Totalitarian World Government

Gerald Celente - It is Time to Prepare for What is Coming To America

United States Debt Cut - What a Joke

Who is Backing the Muslim Brotherhood!

The Islamic Super-state, the Caliphate

North American Union Secret Meeting with Obama and Harper February 5, 2011

The Collapse of Japan and Its Global Impact

Tsunami in Japan and World Impact
Creating Islamic Union

Buy Gold and Silver and Protect your retirement and family from the falling dollar

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America

Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof

What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans
Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist

72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply

Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East

The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda

Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States

The Shite Sunni Differences

The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams

Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda

Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom

Ron Paul, Martial Law, Monatary Collapse, Social Unrest, Food Shortage, Government Actions, New World Order, NWO, Globalists, Elitists, economic collapse, economic collapse 2012, new international order, global financial crisis, collapse of the dollar, north american union, economic meltdown

global totalitarian world government

global totalitarian world government

Invisible Empire is all conspiracy and no theory – proving beyond doubt how the elite have openly conspired to insidiously rule the globe via the engines of the CFR, the United Nations, the Trilateral Commission, and the Bilderberg group, which were born out of the historical Round Table groups first set up by Cecil Rhodes.

Invisible Empire promises to unveil the long-term agenda for world control.

the wicked plan for global enslavement

  • a microchipped population
  • prostitution rings
  • bizarre occult practices
  • power brokers
  • false flag terror
  • banking scams
  • money laundering
  • staged terror attacks
  • media propaganda and debt

New Vocabulary:

Collectivism - The doctrine that land and capital should be owned by society collectively or as a whole; communism -

Revelation 17:1-6 (New King James Version)
The Scarlet Woman and the Scarlet Beast
1 Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me,[a] “Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, 2 with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”

3 So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4 The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication.[b] 5 And on her forehead a name was written:


6 I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.

Daniel 7:23 (New King James Version)
23 “Thus he said:
‘ The fourth beast shall be
A fourth kingdom on earth,
Which shall be different from all other kingdoms,
And shall devour the whole earth,
Trample it and break it in pieces.

Related Videos and More:

Gerald Celente - It is Time to Prepare for What is Coming To America

United States Debt Cut - What a Joke

Who is Backing the Muslim Brotherhood!

The Islamic Super-state, the Caliphate

North American Union Secret Meeting with Obama and Harper February 5, 2011

The Collapse of Japan and Its Global Impact

Tsunami in Japan and World Impact
Creating Islamic Union

Buy Gold and Silver and Protect your retirement and family from the falling dollar

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America

Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof

What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans
Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist

72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply

Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East

The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda

Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States

The Shite Sunni Differences

The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams

Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda

Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom

Traci Morin, Wake Up News

Friday, April 8, 2011

Who is Backing the Muslim Brotherhood!

Who is Backing the Muslim Brotherhood!

Obama is backing Al Qaeda in Libya , it is amazing how the elite do things exactly how they say they are going to do it , the elite are always right. Right now, in 2023, I would say America again. 

Pay attention to what’s happening in the middle east first it was Egypt then it is Egypt the next will be Syria and we are close to a conflict with Saudi Arabia , the buzz word is the Muslim Brotherhood, one nation after the other are being turned over the middle east to the Muslim Brotherhood , where they will establish Sharia Law, we have turned over Egypt to the Muslim Brotherhood, the same is happening in Libya next Syria and then saudi Arabia.

•The Muslim BrotherHood is supported by Illuminist intelligence agencies: MI5/6, CIA. It is a misnomer to call it Muslim because the people an the top echelons are FreeMasons. It should more properly be called Masonic Brotherhood. Unfortunately, many Muslims are deceived by this Illuminist organization used to further the Luciferian agenda:

Albert Pike, Satanic World War 3 Plan
“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

•The Muslim BrotherHood is Masonic. Its links to FreeMasonry is well documented. The top echelons are Luciferians. They masquerade themselves as Muslims to mislead and destroy the Muslim people. This is the standard method of Illuminists, masquerading evil in light, disguising themselves as Christians, Jews, Muslims …etc. See: Egyptian Uprising And The Coming Greater Middle East War And The Satanic World War 3! , Henry Makow: Egypt – Setting the Stage for WWIII? William Engdahl on Egypt’s uprising:

They are being organized in a Ukrainian-style high-tech electronic fashion with large internet-linked networks of youth tied to Mohammed ElBaradei and the banned and murky secret Muslim Brotherhood, whose links to British and American intelligence and freemasonry are widely reported.

•Zionist ’666′ Israel is also Illuminist. The people controlling it are FreeMasons ie. Luciferians. Do not be taken for a ride. These people are not Jews! They are the Synagogue of Satan. Their intent is to destroy Jews! Messianic Jew Jerry Golden:

In the United States you have the York and Scottish Rites but in France you have the Mizraim Lodge. It is from the Mizraim Lodge of Freemasonry that you will find the Illuminati. It is in fact, the heart and soul of the Synagogue of Satan. What is even more disturbing, you will find that every Mason in Israel, that includes most of the Politicians and Supreme Court Judges all are Freemasons from the Mizraim Lodge, the ones who wrote the Protocols of Zion, the enemies of the Jewish people. So those who have planned the destruction of Israel are now in control, in Israel.

Keywords: illuminist intelligence, al queda in libya, the elite, masonic brotherhood, albert pike, Lindsey Williams WW III, luciferian agenda, satanic world war 3 plan, islamic world, moslem arabic world, zionism, the state of israel, protocols of Zion, Mizraim Lodge of freemasonry, Mohammed ElBaradei, Mason in Israel, Henry Makow, political Zionists

Related Videos and More:

United States Debt Cut - What a Joke

Who is Backing the Muslim Brotherhood!

The Islamic Super-state, the Caliphate

North American Union Secret Meeting with Obama and Harper February 5, 2011

The Collapse of Japan and Its Global Impact

Tsunami in Japan and World Impact

Creating Islamic Union
Buy Gold and Silver and Protect your retirement and family from the falling dollar

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America
Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof
What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans
Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist
72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply
Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East
The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda
Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center
The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States
The Shite Sunni Differences
The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams
Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda
Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom

The Islamic Super-state, the Caliphate

Islamists have always dreamed of the Islamic super-state, the Caliphate-state/Ummah/Kaliphah.

History and revived Caliphate - Super-State

Islamic Caliphate and to reestablish the Islamic state on strong foundations.

The struggle in middle east, is not for freedom but a ‘revolution’ where some want to replace their soft dictators with a Islamic caliphate, a single leader. Guess where many want the Caliphate to sit – Babylon. They hate the Bible enough to fulfill its words. A unified Islamic Middle East is not about freedom there are other forces at work, spiritually. Why has Israel become so important to Islam when the Qur’an does not mention the name Jerusalem once? The Bible mentions it nearly 800 times and is specific on whose city and land it is, the God of Israel. Satan hates the creation of Israel. Any unified Islamic Middle East is not about freedom but to directly challenge the existence of Israel and to prevent the temple from being built; one that must be there for the tribulation events to occur (Mt.24:15).

The French prime minister (that’s leading the charge in Libya) wants to see a Palestinian state by the end of this year. We are watching a great betrayal unfold. Spiritual forces of great magnitude are influencing world leaders which are changing the face of world powers. I have found those who don’t recognize evil are often involved in it. Obama criticized the building of settlements in Israel and voiced this to the UN and sided with the UN resolution against this. I’m not going to say Israel always makes the right decisions but even if they do what’s right, it is viewed as wrong. The Islamic conference is the biggest voting block in the UN, so we should not be surprised which way the policy will go, its always against Israel. UN Sec. General Ban Ki-moon tells Israel to end the occupation, that it is morally and politically unsustainable.

The Planned Takeover. World war 3, USA invasion

According to Sheikh Imran Hossein , Gog and Magog/yajuj and Majuj has been released , Which Clearly goes against sahih hadith

Related Videos and More:

United States Debt Cut - What a Joke

Who is Backing the Muslim Brotherhood!

The Islamic Super-state, the Caliphate

North American Union Secret Meeting with Obama and Harper February 5, 2011

The Collapse of Japan and Its Global Impact

Tsunami in Japan and World Impact

Creating Islamic Union
Buy Gold and Silver and Protect your retirement and family from the falling dollar

More Unrest in Middle East will effect Dollar Prices in America
Cap and Trade - What is it and how it can cause our electricity to go through the roof
What is the Agenda 21 and how it will effect Americans
Doc Marquis talks about the Arrival of the Antichrist
72 Hour Survival Kit and food supply
Hidden agenda behind the unrest in Middle East
The Coming Antichrist - Illuminati Agenda
Babylon The Great City - Economic Financial Center
The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

The Truth Why America in Libya - Oil Is The Motive

Gerald Celente Reveals Why United States in Libya

Islam and Democracy - it is not the same type of democracy as we know it in United States
The Shite Sunni Differences
The Silver Bull Run - Lindsey Williams
Protect Your Family and Buy Long-Term Food Products - Emergency Preparedness Kits

Why America is Attacking Libya - Learn the Truth and the Elitist Agenda
Watch 3 hours of Lindsey Williams giving the plan of the Elitist and America's Future - Crashing of the Dollar

Terrorism on US Payroll

The New World Currency Coming Soon to America

Why Obama Visits Brazil - Is it about oil? Where are your tax dollars going!

What is the Elitist Money System. Isn't it time to protect your investments?

With everything going up in prices and the value of the dollar going down, isn't it time to go green with solar energy? Learn how.

Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

Are you concerned about Terrorist Attacks in America Coming Soon?

Why Invest in Gold and Silver

What is the US National Debt - See figures on the hidden debt

Celente Predicts Revolution - 2012 Riot

By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom

Traci Morin, Wake Up News

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Creating Islamic Union

Creating the Islamic Union in the Middle East

3 Videos Creating Islamic Union

It is not only about oil but creating an Islamic union, start WW III, and so on.

Part 1 of 3

The world is to be divided into 10 regions. That is why the political unrest. Before the world can be united in the One World, then the dictatorship, kings and monarchs have to be disolved.

Remember that Roman Empire included Northern Africa and Middle East.

Part 2 of 3

The Islamic world covers a huge geographic area populated by 1.2 billion Muslims. The Ottoman Empire was the most recent example of this. Considering the present-day conditions, it is a matter of urgency to bring about a new Islamic Union, which would enable the Muslim world, as well as the entire world, to live in peace.

Establishing an Islamic Union and a central Islamic authority, based on democratic principles and the rule of law, would be major steps forward in resolving the Islamic world's current problems.

As we progress through this book, we will analyze several aspects of this proposed Islamic Union, such as its ability to:

1- Reach all of the Islamic world. Therefore, it must be founded upon Islam's core principles and not become the organ of a particular denomination or sect.

2- Support human rights, democracy, and free enterprise, and seek to achieve its mission of economic, cultural, and scientific development in the Islamic world.

3- Establish friendly and harmonious relations with other countries or civilizations, and cooperate with the global community and the UN on such issues as controlling weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, international crime, and the environment.

4- Deal with the minority rights of Christians and Jews, as well as foreigners who migrate to Islamic countries, consider their safety a priority, and value interfaith dialogue and cooperation.

5- Seek fair and peaceful solutions whereby both sides make compromises to end conflicts between the non-Muslims and Muslims in Palestine, Kashmir, the southern Philippines, and other regions. It must defend the rights of Muslims as well as prevent radical Islamic movements from driving the situation to into a dead-end.

Part 3 of 3

This is bringing Shites, Sunies, Wabbies together as one.

10 Heads as stated in the Book of Daniel and Revelation

While the Club of Rome has talked about dividing the World into 10 regions - the exact regions haven't been decided yet. And when they do they will be fulfilling Bible Prophecy. The New World Order will probably be based on 10 world regions

Note: Why are we in afaganistan. 1. Oil, 2. Opium but 3. lithium worth over trillion dollars.

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By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

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Pastor Lindsey Williams - The Day of Rage March 11, 2011

Sunni Shite Difference - Comparing 12th Imam with Antichrist in Revelation

Will the Muslim Brothers win in Egypt?

A call to Anguish by David Wilkerson

Lindsey Williams: MI6 Funded Muslim Brotherhood and Their "Day of Rage" Coming!

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Why Invest in Gold and Silver

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By Global Design - Unrest in the Middle East - what is truly happening - find out the truth and facts

Kundalini Warning by Andrew Strom