Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Netanyahu: Borders Must Reflect 'Dramatic' Changes From 1967

Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress, in full.

Netanyahu's best point out of many wonderful ones was when he said, "Courageous Arab protesters are now struggling to secure these very same rights for their peoples, for their societies. We're proud that over one million Arab citizens of Israel have been enjoying these rights for decades. Of the 300 million Arabs in the Middle East and North Africa, only Israel’s Arab citizens enjoy absolute democratic rights. I want you to stop for a second and think about that. Of those 300 million Arabs, less than one-half of one percent are truly free, and they're all citizens of Israel!

"The border will be different than the one that existed on June 4, 1967. Israel will not return to the indefensible lines of 1967."

Traci Morin, Wake Up News

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Obama calls for Israel to return to 1967 borders

Obama Calls for Issrael to Return to 1967 Borders

2011 News
Topic One: Obama calls for Israel to return to 1967 borders. What would this mean for Israel’s security? How are the leaders of Israel responding? Why should Israel tell America to keep their foreign aid and do what is best for Israel? Jimmy DeYoung lived in Israel for 20 years and joins Brannon to discuss these topics. Topic Two: On last Friday’s TV program, Glenn Beck asked two Christian guests when are people going to accept a person’s fruits as proof they are a Christian. 

Any man that tries to tell Israel what to do is an infadel. Israel deserves a country and the Muslims refuse to share and continuously shoot bomb and guns. One day, the Gaza strip will go too far and Israel will have to go after the terrorist and Gaze and maybe the Westbank will lose their land. They have had every opportunity to share with Israel. Hamas is funded by Iran that are finaticle country of extreme. They want Israel pushed in the sea, killed in Israel and around the world and then come after America. 

Brannon says if he were a guest this would have been a real opportunity for him to give the gospel but neither guest gives the gospel and explains that external fruit is not the only test but also doctrinal fruit. Pastor Tom Mullins actually told Beck that he and Beck love the same God. So Mullins worships the Mormon god that evolved from flesh and bone? Mullins also talks about the unity of all the pastors that are part of the Black Robe Regiment but what unites them if theology does not belong in the culture as Beck and his guests say? Why have a group of pastors working with them if theology does not belong in the culture? Is this because the god they are all working for is a universal god?

Christians cannot separate their theology, philosophy and ethics from the culture and public arena and in fact, without theology, doctrine, and the gospel the Black Robe Regiment is a complete waste of time at best and dangerous at worst by promoting ecumenicalism. Beck announces one reason he is leaving Fox is to target teens. America’s teens will now be targeted for instruction by a New Age Mormon?

Download the MP3

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Friday, May 13, 2011

Who Rules the World? Bankers, WEF, Who?

Who rules this world! 2011 & 2024

Today, we hear a lot about the World Economic Forum. They make plans, and then the elitists - corporations change policies in Washington. Biden and his cronies have created a public-private partnership with the government - Biden and Obama both created, which is considered fascism. It is unconstitutional and against the Bill of Rights.

Who rules the world? Follow the money to the technocrats to the bankers. Our banking system is tied to the Federal Reserve, connected to the IMF, the BIS in Switzerland, and the hidden Cartel banking system. There are a lot of secret societies, but today, they are not hiding. They are very open to intelligent cities, eating bugs and taking away our beef to the lies of climate change. 

Climate change is changing and going up and down. The earth has had seven ice ages, and they all melt. Then, we refreeze. Do these people have our best interest? Not at all. It is a fear tactic to take away our freedoms and liberties. They tell us what we can and cannot do, but they do it.

The videos are newer, from six months to 7 years. I am curious to know how long they will stay active since social media keeps removing them - YouTube is part of the technology of our society.

Watch videos on who rules the world - make up your mind. There are many people, corporations, UN, USA, and governments involved. But there are a select few at the top calling the shots. 


23 clips on corporations

These individuals and organizations must be tripped up with every step, cut off at every turn, exposed with every opportunity, and thwarted in every action taken: the Bank Of International Settlements (BIS), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Club Of Rome, The Committee Of 300, the Central ‘Intelligence’ Agency (CIA), the Council On Foreign Relations, The Tri-Lateral Commission, The Bilderberg Groups, the ‘Federal’ Reserve System, the Internal Revenue Service(s), Goldman Sachs, Israel and the Israeli lobby [AIPAC], the Vatican, the City of London, Brussels, the United Nations, the Israeli Mossad, and the primary chosen mouthpiece of the beast, the Associated Press (AP).”

To transform this country, and eventually the whole world, into one cohesive organization. When Illumicorp finishes gaining centralized control over the planet's resources, and we will, we can then organize, distribute, and govern to the benefit of all. After the competition and descent are eliminated, we’ll build a utopia for the world to share, based on need, and rejoice together in a harmonious new world.

This presentation will enlighten you about our organization’s goals and achievements. As your guard, I will help answer some basic questions you may have about Illumicorp and familiarize you with the valuable role it will play in helping us reach our prime objective. So please take a tour with me as we march towards an exciting new world.

All people are aware of class. To them, society comprises the rich, the middle, and the poor. The one thing that all three classes don’t understand is that the pyramid continues upward. A detached hidden capstone comprises an elite board of directors who own and manage Illumicorp. The three classes below, in essence, become the assets and resources of Illumicorp. Illumicorp is divided into various administrative branches. However, each branch has the same five levels in its hierarchy. You will begin at the bottom in the initiate category. As such, your role will be to ensure that your orders are carried out through the sub-corporations and institutions controlled by Illumicorp. They removed these videos.

You will be placed in plain sight at the head of a company or institution in the public sector to carry out the plans delivered from above. Remember, your role is crucial. You’ll be the face of Illumicorp to the outside world. You are our connection to the masses below. Never speak publicly about your orders or your masters.

Now, look at Illumicorp's six administrative branches and functions. You’ll be placed in a top position of power in one of the following sectors. As you are monitored and guided from above, you will decide on a strategy and introduce programs to further our goals. That is the secret to Illumicorp's success. Control the head, and you control the body.

This is potentially Illumicorp's most effective instrument for global control. Through international banking, we manipulate the face of all countries. We’ve introduced many institutions, such as the IMF and WTO, to work in our favor to impoverish disobedient nations. Remember, debt is a powerful weapon against countries that don’t share Illumicorp's vision.

Our most significant achievement in banking is the Federal Reserve system. It is a collection of international banks owned by Illumicorp members and financiers. It was created to form a centralized banking system through the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. An act that was indeed penned by some of our most esteemed members.

Many still assume that the government prints and issues the currency. That is not the case. When America needs money, they go to our boys and ask for it. The money is printed, but it is only representative of a loan. Interest accrues on that dollar until it is paid back to the Fed. In fact, the federal taxes paid by the American population go almost entirely toward paying off this debt. So you see, Illumicorp derives a healthy amount of its operation funding directly from the debt of the public. This is one of our most crucial funding sources and one of our proudest achievements at Illumicorp.

Through mergers and acquisitions, we have slowly and silently bought up the majority of U.S. industry. Illumicorp and its members own most of the oil, transport, banking, media, food, and communications industries in America and abroad. Through fewer and fewer conglomerates, we can affect the machinations of labor and government with great precision. Ultimately, corporations will replace the government as a centralized international body that can meet the needs of the public worldwide without the chaos created by national self-interest. When Illumicorp goes public, corporatism will be the foundation for world government. Conglomerates were merging into one cohesive corporation that is responsible only to Illumicorp and the needs of its global employment force.


Illumicorp's control of the American military is another impressive tool in our possession. We have nurtured these institutions lavishly to serve as the prototype for our global police force. When ready, our technology and manpower will dominate those who oppose the coming New World Order. By utilizing American patriotism, we have fostered the philosophy of peace through superior force in the American soldier. When the time is right, we will migrate that mentality towards believing in a global government that must protect all people through superior force.

We have used the American military-industrial complex to build the arsenal necessary to instigate the final cleansing outlined in Illumicorp's grand plan. Our primary target will be Islamic nations who will never submit to our Western-centric domination. They also hold much of the remaining oil reserves of the planet. Illumicorp must own that precious recourse as it is crucial in maintaining our domination over the countries of the world.

Through Illumicorp's enormous military funding, we can develop new forms of warfare and population reduction. The public can’t imagine what we’re in the process of developing. Soon, even the weather will be a weapon under our control. We can create droughts, floods, hurricanes, and even tsunamis without fingerprints attached.


America's political system has been under the direct control of Illumicorp for some time. It was a relatively easy acquisition and has been even more accessible to manage. Politicians know of our unspoken agreement and will do anything to stay in power.

A two-party system benefits Illimicorp by reducing all issues into a black-and-white debate. We can play side by side through media, using each when necessary to support our goals. Due to a diminishing faith in the system among the public, Illumicorp has designed a rogue candidate program to provide a voice for the dispossessed. This disperses the impetus for dissent among those not feeling represented by our candidates and builds a database of potential dissidents.


At the turn of the last century, Illumicorp took a serious interest in public education. Our supreme council realized that by creating a private organization to dictate curriculum on a federal level, children could be conditioned into obedience on a mass scale. Hundreds of millions of dollars were invested in promoting Illumicorp principles in the classroom to create the General Education Board in 1902. The result of doing this is evident today. The doctrines of public education have transformed recent generations into a weaker, more docile mass. Through meticulously planned curriculum, we have control over the process by which the average child learns, thus we can mold them into obedient workers who are conditioned to accept the implementation of the great plan.

In addition, Illumicorp has set up many associations, including the American Historical Association, that determine and uphold the official view of history. Knowledge is power, so we must, at all costs, be the authors of the truth. By writing history to suit our interests, dissenting voices cannot gain ground, and we can vastly influence culture to achieve our prime objective.


Illumicorp uses the media to shape public opinion on current events and condition desired attitudes about our future agenda. Through news, entertainment, and advertising, we can program a variety of emotions and responses into the collective unconscious. In the past, we were limited entirely to print media. But we have multiple mediums to utilize in programming and conditioning the masses. With cable news, we have directed the public to a more entertainment-based consumption of world events. Infotainment. This medium is far more effective at subliminal reinforcing desired attitudes towards our objectives. For instance, we are instilling a sense of duty towards environmental issues.

With our growing control of the weather through HAARP and chemtrails, we will scare the public into accepting our global protection agendas. We will then phase into the great cleansing that must occur to return the population to a manageable size. We reinforce the desired norm through advertising, creating a virtually impossible model for people to look up to. The result is an incomplete, desperate individual seeking acceptance. We repeat the pattern of individual survival versus group survival through reality television game shows. This breaks down the idea that community breeds individuals who pursue only their self-interest; with a public that is constantly suspicious and scheming, we maintain the status quo of a divided population that never thinks to look up.


Religion has served its purpose incredibly well. It is the oldest and broadest form of social control utilized by Illumicorp. With religion, a written code of conduct must be followed. The authors of the holy scriptures know how to lace that code with demands to maintain their dominance over the population. This system has survived for millennia to hold the flock together and bring us to today.

Admittedly, religion is losing its power of control. However, the fanaticism that has arisen due to this decline is particularly helpful to Illumicorp. Our invisible influence in the church has helped bring the Christian fundamentalists out of the background. We help control their opinions on current issues through policies at Illumicorp headquarters. They are sent to our ministers, who then preach the word of god and their interpretations of the Bible to their followers. Their blind faith transforms them into willing soldiers to defend our cause during the catastrophes ahead.

As the final phase is enacted, we will propagate a time prophecy to convince them of their convictions.

The rise of Islamic fundamentalism works to Illumicorp's advantage as a threat that will demand violent action. In the coming years, planned terrorist attacks will warrant a full-scale retaliation and initiate the final phase of the grand plan. Christians will support our actions since they will believe them to be proof of the end times, prophesied by Illumicorp religious leaders.

A word from our PRESIDENT
We are in the last days of darkness. In secret, we wait to begin the final phase of the grand plan. The sun is rising and will beam a glorious dawn upon our new world. As an employee of Illumicorp, you are above the limitations of nationality, class, and religion. You are a member of the Illumined now. Your loyalty and your devotion belong only to us. Help us finish the plan. Together, we will proudly initiate the New World Order.

Now that you understand how we work here at Illumicorp, I would like to introduce you to one of our latest projects. THE CONTROL GRID.

Since ancient times, the Illuminati have desired to wield control over the masses below to protect us from them and themselves. The tools through the ages have been practical but always need to be more blunt and accurate. But now, with the release of new technology to the masses, we can introduce a control grid with finance, industry, governments, and the military under our strict control, who can safely shift the population into a new world, monitored and controlled by Illumicorp.

Technology such as the internet, GPS, and RFID chips are pillars of the invisible prison we erect around people. Within the decade, we will have real ID cards that contain criminal records and pertinent information, all linked to federal databases. Cell phones will tell us where each individual is connected to the same database. Through intelligence agencies and Homeland Security, we’ll monitor individuals who oppose the grand plan and remove them from the grid. Quickly, the population will learn that they have a choice; support the system and benefit from its luxuries, or reject it and lose access to the grid.

Well, that was quite an overview. It gave you an understanding of our process and overall structure at Illumicorp. Don’t worry if you can’t remember specific details at the moment. Once assigned to your administrative branch, you’ll be shown the second Illumicorp training module. Your initiate supervisor will brief you on your specific duties at that point.

Also, please review your copy of the grand plan and the attached codeword and symbols booklet. You will need to know the ways we communicate internally through public channels. This concludes part one of the Illumicorp video training module. I wish you the best of luck, and may our plan be completed and superseded. The dawn of a new era is on the horizon and will shine gloriously over the new world we have built together.


Traci Morin, Wake Up News

Monday, May 9, 2011

American Taxpayers fund persecution of pakistani christians


Basking In The Glow Of The "Victory" Over Bin Ladin, America's Deceived Believers Continue To Fund The Moslem Beast

With Pakistan's American funding topping $1 Billion per year and the intentionally ignorant "believer's" complicity, Pakistan is a leader of the Islamic pack, as genuine Christians throughout the Muslim world are being tortured, imprisoned, and murdered.

In what can only be considered gross moral cowardice, and encouraged by their lying pastors and priests in the corporate whorehouses masquerading as "churches," American Christians continue to dutifully pay taxes to a regime that helps support and sustain Muslim thugs who are persecuting Christians around the world. In Pakistan, for example, a 45-year-old Christian mother of five named Asia Bibi languishes on death row, awaiting her execution. Her crime? A vastly trumped-up charge of Blasphemy of Islam, obviously leveled by the Islamic zealots in Pakistan.

Although much attention has been focused on her case, the Obama Presidency's response has been to increase Pakistani support -- the latest outrage seen in a $20 million US-funded project to produce a Pakistani version of the children's TV show Sesame Street. Same with Biden.

While we would not propose going to war with Pakistan over religion if America's Christians were to unite and demand the Obama criminal cabal immediately cut funding to Pakistan, it's a safe bet that someone in Pakistan would have a "miraculous" visitation indicating that Bibi should be pardoned. Instead, Christians continue to timidly justify their cowardice with lame claims that God wants them to "obey the Beast" -- a gross twisting of Scripture.

Meanwhile, in OPEC member Nigeria (an organization in which America is known to wield some degree of influence), Muslim mobs have just murdered 17 Christians, including the wife and three children of a pastor, and burned down several Christian homes in the village of Kurum in Bauchi State. We can probably expect the Obama clique to increase our foreign aid. Incredibly, the Christians in America are apparently too busy shopping at Walmart to lodge any form of protest with our worthless leaders -- but no doubt, they'll "pray" for those poor persecuted believers who are standing for their faith in the lands of the Mohammedans.

Meanwhile, back in Pakistan, in the very town where American funds are being spread around to produce a Pakistani version of Big Bird and the Cookie Monster, three Christian families have fled their homes after a Muslim mob threatened to harm them. When the Paki police came to the scene, they arrested one of the Christians -- a retarded 25-year man on -- surprise -- Blasphemy charges. He is now in jail in Lahore, Pakistan -- the same locale holding Asia Bibi. Perhaps President Obama's US AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (USAID) -- the taxpayer-funded nest of vipers funneling millions to Lahore -- can find a way to reward the Muslim clerics who led the crowd against the innocent families in the area.

At this point in time, it is a given that Barack Hussein Obama will sizzle for eternity in the lake of fire for his misdeeds, but knowledgeable observers are aware that many of America's supposed "Christians" will join him there as a direct result of their complete lack of courage in refusing to stand up on behalf of their alleged brothers and sisters in foreign lands.

Still going on today 2023. 

For more on the fashion in which Islam is being funded and manipulated to move the world to Armageddon, listen to the short audio on THE ISLAMIC ANTICHRIST.

Traci Morin
Wake Up News

Friday, May 6, 2011

Fatah, Hamas sign unity accord

Fatah and Hamas sign the Unity Accord

on May 4 in Cairo 2011

State of Palestine must be born this year

Under the accord, the implementation of which would be monitored by Egypt, the Palestinian Authority would hold presidential and parliamentary elections over the next year in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In the interim, Fatah and Hamas would share power and each would remain over their regions. Hamas captured the Gaza Strip in 2007.

An alliance between the two groups ruptured in 2007, leaving Fatah in control of the West Bank and Hamas ruling Gaza. You cannot trust terrorists groups like Hamas that is being funded by Iran. Then, the money sent to the Palestinians from UN, USA, and other countries does not make it to the people. Hamas does not care about Palestinians. Hamas cares about eliminating Israel. 

Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal said at the ceremony that the Islamist group wanted the establishment of an independent, sovereign Palestinian state on land of the West Bank and Gaza Strip with Jerusalem as its capital.

The United States and Israel consider Hamas — whose charter calls for Israel’s destruction and which has carried out suicide bombings and rocket attacks against it — a terrorist organization.

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, visiting London on Wednesday, called the accord “a mortal blow to peace and a big prize for terror.”

Mr. Abbas' - Fatah - West Bank

Khaled Mishal as head of Hamas - Gaza

Traci Morin, Wake Up News

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

John Todd Audio Files

  • John Todd Audio Files - He was part of a Luciferian Family that Got Out - Exposing Witchcraft in Governent Levels

  • He is now missing and probably dead by the Luciferian agenda to take anyone out who exposes the Illuminati and the New World Order of Satanism.

    Tape 1A
    John Todd's testimony of deliverance from the
    Occult, evils of witchcraft.  6.1 megabytes in MP3 format
    with 43 minutes of audio. The sound quality will greatly
    improve after the first couple minutes.

  • Tape 1B
    Music and Spells. 44 minutes / 4.3 megabytes.

  • Tape 2A
    Dangers of fortune telling, familiar spirits, CS
    Lewis, JRR Toiken, etc etc! 43 minutes / 4.2 megabytes.

  • Tape 2B
    Charles Manson, Sharon Tate murder, Process
    Church, epilepsy, UFOs, demon possession, Jimmy Carter etc!
    40 minutes / 3.8 megabytes.

  • Tape 3A
    What is the Illuminati? CFR? Trilateral
    Commission, what 33rd. Degree Masons believe about Lucifer,
    etc! 43 minutes / 4.2 megabytes.

  • Tape 3B
    Continuation of what is the Illuminati? Who
    leads it? The Charismatic movement / Chuck Smith / Jesus
    Rock / John Birch Society / Freemasons, purpose of Rock
    Music, etc! 40 minutes / 4.4 megabytes.

  • Tape 4A
    How to survive, etc! 43 minutes / 4.6 megabytes.

  • Tape 4B
    Masons, Salvation message by pastor 1 hour 16
    minutes / 9.1 megabytes.  It is the largest of all the files
    of this set. The audio quality is not very good but still

  • Tape 5A
    Todd's testimony about the occult world, the
    Illuminati, the Collins family, introduction of witchcraft
    to America, etc! 41 minutes / 6.1 megabytes.

  • Tape 5B
    Salvation testimony, deliverance from fear based
    on 2Tim1:7, Rock Music, Book of Mormon based on the
    Witchcraft bible Book of Shadows, witchcraft symbols used in
    jewelry, Catholic mass compared to witchcraft, why JFK was
    killed, etc! 39 minutes / 4.3 megabytes.

  • Tape 6A
    History as a witch, doctrine, evils of
    television,43 minutes / 4.7 megabytes.

  • Tape 6B
    More details of his life in the occult, evils
    and addiction of rock music, purpose of rock music - to get
    Christians cast spells on themselves! etc.36 minutes / 3.5

Monday, May 2, 2011

Global Financial System as one vast Ponzi Scheme

Global Financial Collapse In the Next 10 to 15 Years

Like a pyramid, it has four sides and is a predictable model. The four sides are: (1) Artificially control the supply of public State-issued Currency, (2) Artificially impose Banking Money as the primary source of funding in the economy, (3) Promote doing everything by Debt and (4) Erect complex channels that allow privatizing profits when the Model is in expansion mode and socialize losses when the model goes into contraction mode.

Part 1 - 2011

Part 2

Traci Morin, Wake Up News